The left column contains Web search results. The right column contains question entity pages from Wikipedia.

Web search resultsQuestion entity pages
American Political System / Useful Notes - TV Tropes
... American Political System. ... of man contrived or his imagination conceived." John Nance Garner, ... vice president, John Tyler, just took the damn ...

Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia

LBJ . LBJ . WGBH American Experience | PBS
... he'd reach over with his fork and eat off ... It's not worth a warm bucket of spit," as John Nance Garner ... Vice Pres. Johnson: John F. Kennedy told his ...

Gerald Ford - Wikipedia

Lecture Notes - MK2Review
The Twelfth Amendment and 19th century vice presidents. ... John Nance Garner (1932), Henry Wallace ... a real break from the FDR system. He took advantage of ...

Lyndon B. Johnson - Wikipedia