The left column contains Web search results. The right column contains question entity pages from Wikipedia.

Web search resultsQuestion entity pages
Gilbert & Sullivan Opera -
Gilbert and Sullivan Archive Gilbert & Sullivan Opera ... CHAPTER VII. BUNTHORNE's BRIDE. Patience, ... The alternative title of the piece is Bunthorne's Bride, ...

Gilbert and Sullivan - Wikipedia

Gilbert and Sullivan (Creator) - TV Tropes
... Gilbert and Sullivan. ... Gilbert and Sullivan. Sir William Schwenck Gilbert ... Alternative Title(s): Gilbert And Sullivan, ...

Patience Introduction -
Patience by Gilbert and Sullivan. ... of having alternative titles--the second title indicating ... without a bride. This opera satirizes very ...

Gilbert and Sullivan -
Gilbert and Sullivan respelled the title and made a ... score of a Gilbert and Sullivan opera, ... Alternative versions. Translations. Gilbert and Sullivan ...
The Sexuality of the Operas of Gilbert and Sullivan. ... title for the opera and plays a key musical and emotional role in the opera. The song, sung in alternate ...

Gilbert and Sullivan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gilbert and Sullivan respelled the title and made a number of ... Gilbert and Sullivan have pervasively influenced popular culture ... Gilbert & Sullivan Opera, ...