The left column contains Web search results. The right column contains question entity pages from Wikipedia.

Web search resultsQuestion entity pages
CityPagesKuwait June 2015 by CityPages Kuwait - issuu
... CityPagesKuwait June 2015, Author: CityPages Kuwait , ... hence the name of the ... And yet I can also appreciate that there are a lot of mothers out there who ...

Ancient Greek - Wikipedia

HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN ... who lived and labored in and about Rome, used the Greek language, ... and hence of more use to the church in those days than profound ...

Sparta - Wikipedia

Hellas: Ancient Greece - Europe: A History - All history books
Hellas: Ancient Greece - Europe: A History ... Common Section. Books on ... In the same way that the quality of Greek light enables painters to see form and colour ...

Son-in-law poems on Hello Poetry
They reached the low lying city of Lacedaemon them where they drove straight to the of abode Menelaus [and found him in his own house, feasting with his many clansmen ...

The PreSocratics - An overview - Philosophy Greek Ancient
Attention to the English Language Readers ... While most of them produced significant texts, ... was from the ancient Greek city of Akragas (Ἀκράγας ...